The object is emblazoned with the names of the major German parties whose climate policies are not suitable for averting the climate catastrophe*.
Underneath it reads:
"You may stay as you are! You may - I have discovered you may for me! You are allowed"
The display case contains a very dusty glass lampshade with a skull inside.
Glass, wood, velvet, acrylic paint, lacquer, plastic, gold leaf, MDF, dust, 120 x 44 x 44 cm
* The title "Jetzt gehts um die Wurst!" is a German phrase, literally translated as "Now it's about the sausage!".
* Although most of the parties mentioned acknowledge scientific findings and also take some measures to combat climate change, they shy away from truly ambitious climate protection because they don't really want to demand anything from their voters or themselves, while the AfD and its voters wallow in complacent total loss of reality. But as big as these differences seem to be, they are all heading, albeit at different speeds, towards a climate catastrophe that will bring misery and death to our children on an unprecedented scale.
* The text refers to the advertising song of the sausage manufacturer “Du darfst”, whose advertising suggests that by consuming its nutrient-reduced products, a change to a healthy diet is not necessary.