Thomas Behling: "In Zeiten des Klimawandels übe auch ich mich im Verzicht." – "In times of climate change, I am also practicing renunciation.", 2024
Inscription: "I am happy to give up my children's future. How we practice doing without in times of climate change."
book, 22 x 16 x 6 cm
More than 2,500 people demonstrated against the announced cuts to Berlin's cultural budget on Friday, November 29 from 3 pm. The bbk berlin and the network of independent Berlin project spaces and initiatives had called the demonstration. Many of the participating artists from "CLOSE TO THE EDGE" came directly to the opening of the ONE NIGHT GROUP SHOW after the demonstration. In this respect, the evening was marked by protest against the cuts to the cultural budget and the sad lessons to be learned from them. But it was also marked by joy and the conviction that our creative and solidary forces will not bow to this dictate. With this in mind, the ONE NIGHT GROUP SHOW will be repeated for the first time, i.e. it will be opened once again in the form of a day of action. In an open discussion round, there will also be the opportunity to express your own concerns, inform each other and think together about measures and activities.
Action day with discussion on Saturday, 07.12. on the occasion of the drastic cuts in the Berlin cultural budget.
Opening of the exhibition: 3-7 pm
Discussion: 5-7 pm
The 1980s, the last decade of the Cold War, characterized by the threat of violent disputes in the East-West conflict with initially rearmament and later disarmament, the opening up to the Eastern Bloc up to the fall of the Berlin Wall, the rise of neoliberalism, the actor Ronald Reagan as American president for two terms, the beginning of the era of Chancellor Kohl.
A whole weird decade often on the edge. Grandmaster Flash And The Furious rapped in 1982 in their hook line: "Don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge - I'm trying not to lose my head - It's like a jungle sometimes - It makes me wonder how I keep from going under". They bring the social criticism of the black, marginalized and oppressed population into hip-hop as proof of failed politics.
Switch. Over four decades later. Once again, an American re-elected President Trump enters his second term. With a sense of victory that can no longer be averted, he proclaims a coming golden age of America and a return to former greatness at the expense of the poor, the weak, those who think and live differently, women and migrants. The Ampelcoalition in Germany is falling apart.
War and the Cold War are already making a comeback in Europe. The world is unsafe. Propaganda and lies instead of truths. Violent intimidation as normality. The law of the strong. Fascists are warming up. Will the punished attackers of the storming of the Capitol in January 2021 soon be pardoned?
Will the 1980s get a revival that will be even closer to the edge?
Boris Abel, Stefan Alber, Heather Allen, Franck-Lee Alli-Tis aka V Stylianidou, Elena Alonso Fernández, Michelle Alperin, Deniz Alt, Detlef Baltrock, Gleb Bas, Jürgen Baumann, Hannah Becher, Matthias Beckmann, Thomas Behling, Antje Blumenstein, Theo Boettger, Sascha Boldt, Manuel Bonik, Gunnar Borbe, Iwona Lili Borkowska, Katja Brinkmann, Susanne Britz, Laura Bruce, Teresa Casanueva, barbara caveng, Sabatino Cersosimo, Chun-Tzu Chang, Kyung-hwa Choi-ahoi, Herbert De Colle, Ellen DeElaine, Almut Determeyer, Nanett Dietz, Nataly Dietz, Annedore Dietze, Bruno Di Lecce, Grigori Dor, Mirjam Dorsch, Stefan Draschan, Stefan Ebner, Irena Eden & Stijn Lernout, Frederik Foert, Abrie Fourie, Frauke Funkhauser, Sven-Ole Frahm, Anne Gathmann, anna onno gatjal, Christine Gedeon, Laurie Georgopoulos, Robert Gfader, Monika Goetz, Karø Goldt, Massoud Graf-Hachempour, Harriet Groß, Stephan Groß, Andreas Hachulla, Stephanie Hanna, Andrea Hartinger, Michael Hauffen, Andreas Helfer, Thomas Bo Henriksson, Janne Höltermann, Sabine Hoffmann / Collision Squad, Margret Holz, Stephan Homann, Esther Horn, Fabian Hub, Markus Huemer, Franziska Hünig, Okka Hungerbühler, Hubi W. Jäger, Gunilla Jähnichen, Thomas Jocher, Anne Jungjohann, KP, Sven Kalden, Elena Karakitsou, Heike Kelter, Isabel Kerkermeier, Werner Kernebeck, Julia Kissina, Silke Koch, Karen Koltermann, Anette Kuhn, Susanne Kutter, Erika Krause, Patricia Lambertus, Oliver Lanz, Simone Lanzenstiel, Michael Lapuks, Anett Lau, Alex Lebus, Sabine Linse, Ronny Lischinski, Christine Lohr, Catherine Lorent, Justina Los, Mahony, John Maibohm, Nadja Marcin, Rei Matsushima, Matthias Mayer, Scott McCracken, David Möller, Thomas Monses, Matthias Moravek, Paula Muhr, Leo de Munk, Berit Myrebøe, Mascha Naumova, Joe Neave, Raúl Neddermeyer & Sarah Lüttchen, Enrico Niemann, Fernand Niño-Sánchez, Irina Novarese, Jennifer Oellerich, Nora Olearius, Claudia Olendrowicz, Jürgen O. Olbrich, Ornella Orlandini, Manfred Peckl, Torsten Prothmann, Katja Pudor, Luisa Puschendorf, Kathrin Rabenort, Nika Radić, Maria L. Räihälä, Øyvind Renberg, Pedro Reis de Mendonca, Benjamin Renter, Susanne Ring, Alex Roberts, Römer + Römer, Stefan Römer, Stefan Roigk, Annette Ruenzler, Julia Rüther, Andreas Sachsenmaier, Katrin Salentin, Daniel Sambo-Richter, Michel Santos, Grit Sauerborn, Birgit Schlieps, Sandra Schlipkoeter, Oliver Schmidt, Marco Schmitt, Michael Schultze, Olivia W. Seiling, Tanja Selzer, Kerstin Serz, Soji Shimizu, Frederic Spreckelmeyer, Heiko Sievers, Heidi Sill, Johanna Smiatek, Nicola Staeglich, Anna Staffel, Hans-Peter Stark, Gabriele Stellbaum, Astrid Stricker, Ralf Tekaat, Anja Teske, Miriam Tölke, Peter Torp, Petra Trenkel, Kata Unger, Claudia Virginia Vitari, Anke Völk, Gabriela Volanti, Gabriel Vormstein, Florian Wagner, Yvonne Wahl, Klaus Walter, Christine Weber, Linda Weiss, Bettina Weiß, Julia Werhahn, Anke Westermann, Daniel Wiesenfeld, Claudio Wichert, Markus Willeke, Ila Wingen, Markus Wirthmann, Ina Wudtke, Sibylle Zeh, Ella Ziegler, Elmar Zimmermann, Oliver Zwink
Free admission
Freienwalder Str. 31
13359 Berlin